This is who we are

Our Theological Vision

The Common Church is a “Gospel centred church” where healthy family dynamics are experienced, corporate mission is lived out, celebratory worship of the Triune God is practised and other churches are planted in the city of Melville and beyond.

Our Long Term Vision

We want to see lots of people encounter and be transformed through Jesus and to actively participate in healthy communal Christian life. We long to see 53 Missional Communities launched and 8 Churches planted across the city of Melville and beyond, whether they be Common or independent for the glory of Jesus.

The Mission

Loving the city of Melville and beyond by living “Common lives”. We do this by participating in and planting active Missional Communities and Churches for the glory of Jesus.

Statement of Faith

The Common Church holds to a historical orthodox Christian belief The Bible is the divinely inspired and authoritative Word of God. We uphold the Bible as its authoritative text for teaching, governance and training. The Common Church stands in the creedal tradition of the universal church and upholds and affirms the main creeds of the church: Nicene, Athanasius, Apostles and Chalcedonian creeds. The Common adopts The Lausanne Covenant as its statement of faith.